What we do

Meadow is an Asset Management firm specialised in the agricultural sector whose main objective is to maximise investors returns through the application of innovative, sustainable and profitable production methods.


Who we are

Our team consists of operational and financial experts with deep knowledge of their sectors, many with senior industry experience. We use this industry and market expertise to insightfully challenge and support portfolio company management to achieve real operational and financial improvements.

Meadow Decor Image

Services Plan

  • Identify the properties of interest to invest
  • Develop a business plan
  • Advise on the Estate acquisition
  • Define an objective of returns on equity between 8% and 12%
  • Implement the business plan and monitor its development
  • Long-term professional management
  • Drive the business through Meadow Management and Operations Model
  • Secure permanent financial advisory services during life cycle of the business

Meadow Concept